COVID-19 Update
ExWell Medical Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak
During this COVID-19 pandemic, public health recommendations are to minimise infection spread, with country-specific recommendations. Typically these focus on self isolation, reduced social contact, and scrupulous hand hygiene. For this reason, ExWell Medical took the decision on March 10th to suspend all group based classes for the foreseeable future. Please see below a letter from Founder and Medical Director Dr. Noel McCaffrey.
It is vital to continue exercising during this time. It will increase your ability to withstand and recover from illness.
So while ensuring appropriate quarantine and public health advice is being followed, we suggest to try to do a little more activity, every day, to improve your physical preparation in case you are infected with the coronavirus and are unlucky enough to be more severely affected. This advice is particularly important to those that are at risk due to age or a chronic illness. Being physically active will firstly help to prevent any physical deterioration due to isolation, and secondly, to optimize cardio-respiratory fitness to reduce the risk of complications.
As you know, ExWell is a not-for-profit organisation. Our vision is to bring the service to as many people as possible in Ireland. As we suspend group classes, we are seeking extra funding support to help us deliver the Home Programme and to keep our team in place during the difficult period ahead. We have recently launched a Donate button. Any extra support we receive will be greatly appreciated.
For more official information about the virus please visit: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
For advice about staying active during this time please visit: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/03/16/covid-19-home-based-exercise-activities-could-help-during-self-isolation/
If you have any concerns for your own wellbeing, or that of another older person you can contact Seniorline - freephone 1800 80 45 91 (10am to 10pm 7 days a week.)